Article Search Guide
期刊文章 搜索指南

In our “Weekly Forum” page, you can click any of the archived issue to view. Issues in Text PDF format will be displayed re-sizable for easy reading. Each article can be searched through Google Search by searching the "Title of the Articles" with quotation marks.
You may copy any portion of the articles for sharing but please acknowledge its source and respect the author's right.
Issues in image JPG format will be displayed in the same browser window as an image which can be zoomed to larger size as well. When the issue is displayed in iPad, the Text PDF or image JPG can be expanded for easy reading, however, limited by frame size at this time. We are trying to solve this problem and others for mobile device users.  

在我們的 “每週論壇” 頁面, 您可以點擊任何存檔的期刊進行查看。在文字檔的 Text PDF格式的期刊, 將會顯示在單獨的窗口中方便閱讀。每篇文章都可以通過 Google 谷歌搜索功能搜索, 只要用“文章標題”加上引號進行搜索。您可以複製文章任何部分進行分享,但請確認其來源是美國網站 : 並尊重作者的權利。在 圖像 Image JPG 格式的期刊也可縮放到較大的尺寸。
當期刊被顯示在 iPad 時,文字檔PDF或JPG 格式的圖像可以擴展以方便閱讀,但是,在這個時候大小可能受到限制。我們會解決這個問題同時顧及手機的用戶。